

Our life is connected to numbers in so many ways, from your date of birth, numbers in money, your office number, your home number, your ID, your phone and so on, all add up to give an overall influence over your life every minute of the day.

Numerology is the ancient science of numbers, with each number contributing a unique vibration to the story of your life. It is an intricate mixture of science, mythology, and philosophy and is a key to decoding the Universe and finding your soul’s purpose.

While our personal numbers are the mirror that reflects our inner world, stones are our helpers in the outer world to synchronize their energies with our energies. By working with the stones that synchronized with your numerology numbers, you can enhance the strengths of your personal numbers. If a certain number’s weaknesses are manifesting in your life, you can discover stones that will help to integrate and balance the number’s hindering effects. Together, numbers and stones offer a wonderful possibility to find your own way, recognize your true self, heal, and harmonize with the world around you.

According to Numerology, there are many numbers in a complete numerology chart; however, the most significant with respect to your personality and life’s journey is Life Path Number.

Let’s find out which stones match your Life Path Number!

If you’ve already known your Life Path Number, you can click on 1 of the 9 groups below to see your matching products. If you don’t know your Life Path Number, you can fill out your date of birth in the box below to find out.
